Wednesday 24 November 2021

Life post-Covid: New ways of coexisting

 Laura Huertas (6th semester Social Communication - Journalism student, Lessons and reflections post Covid-19 elective)

In front of the panic and ignorance that caused the arrival of the pandemic in most of the population, an endless number of situations, dynamics, feelings and reflections emerged worldwide, transforming what was previously known as normality or at least its perspective. This, pressing in our lives and appeased in our daily routines, was affected  with an abrupt change after the vulnerability of the human being, making our  selfishness,  despotism,  cruelty and  strong destructive capacity  increasingly visible.

At least on this side of the world, south of the American continent, the confinement brought with itself an opportunity for analysis that we will find ourselves. This is because the confinement made a context strongly crossed by the great social gaps: the excessive exploitation of the worker;  the implicit violence in almost any area of Latin American countries;  the lack of respect or empathy for the persons around us.    In essence, it made each citizen from their different positions feel part of the same society that suffers these and many more problems.

The latter being a factor that I consider differentiating for the construction of new ways of understanding ourselves as human beings, because as I have made known in prior  reflections , I faithfully believe that understanding ourselves as social beings, and not purely individual,  is an emancipatory act and it corresponds to the same path of social justice, of friendly, democratic and peaceful citizenships.

I speak of emancipating ourselves to refer to that critical position or act that does not allow the detachment of a system, in this case violent and not very inclusive or in terms of Freire a liberating act of the oppressed. The latter addresses the importance of collective decision-making in the search for equal conditions and opportunities, an idea that works perfectly for what I want to give meaning in this writing; understanding that as well as my acts of control over territories and living beings with which I live and that the acts around me will have the ability to affect me or, on the contrary, contribute positively will be the way to delimit a responsibility for these new ways to coexist after the pandemic.

Until now I have dedicated myself to writing the characteristics that arise in the pandemic that, in my opinion, are the bases for the perception and construction of new ways of coexist and living after the pandemic or at least from my life experience and stories. of people who permeate my contexts, both local and global, and as the factor mentioned above is the basis or origin to define a responsibility or contribution on these

To make it more explicit, I will then focus on expanding one of these new ways of coexisting, although I have already broken down its characteristics previously, seeing when faced with confinement, sectors of the population that have   been excluded for decades became visible from the general interest or from public debate to broad lines.

In the pandemic, although many of us lost our jobs and had to move to different, ineffective spaces for our work for a while, people with disabilities are constantly faced with this type of situation, as they are stigmatized. In fact, very few people with disabilities  manage to access a job since the general belief is that they are disabled people who can not do anything and are viewed from a deficit-based perspective.

Additionally, their personal development is strongly affected by structural situations in the country -  I reiterate  at least in Latin America.  This is so since the vast majority of structures do not have access roads for them, and platforms and ramps are in terrible condition or   are not effective because they end up with a pavement wall in front and so on.

Also, the mobility situation is very complicated. In the pandemic, transportation was almost impossible for people with disabilities, not only because of the fear of contagion but because public transportation is not designed for their needs. process because they do not often have the means to enter the classrooms or recreation spaces, which makes their personal development have a strong disadvantage.

The forgetfulness and exclusion practiced by citizens in general, ends up taking away the right to their free development and to obtain a dignified life, which, in turn, is a reflection of the lack of respect, recognition and listening to the needs of citizens. citizens. the people we live with, that is, it is the consequence of selfish and increasingly individualistic citizens.

When the doors of different spaces are closed to a citizen by companies and institutions and the civil population in general judges them and separates them by their physical appearance, they contribute to the general backwardness of society and is a  reflection once again of understanding ourselves as mere individual beings.

In front of this quite hostile and violent way of coexisting, it is necessary that from our different positions we contribute, I believe that we can contribute by soaking up other realities, giving ourselves the opportunity to put ourselves in the shoes of other people, wondering what would happen if we did not feel the same  outrage and considering the different benefits that  having respect represents for everything that surrounds me.

The above  means   working in search of justice for life and the right to dignity.  A first step, to be specific, could be understanding that as I address and treat the person next to me, they will treat me the same way. This includes my taking into account that before speaking, giving an opinion or taking action, I am part of a community and that I have the responsibility from my position to find a development or a backwardness of the conditions for everyone.

Carrying out social immersion activities that are proposed either by the district, by popular groups, by the ideologies to which it belongs or from the same labor or educational institution to which it belongs, will allow this approach to new realities and experiences to be felt in the other person's place.

On the other hand, it is about seeking personal growth in respect for the other.  This implies taking into account the opinion and perspectives of the other  as  an act of empathy because although this will permeate our subsequent actions, it will also allow  Recognizing the other.  Hence, even if you do not agree with others´ ways of thinking?  it does not mean that they are not valid or wrong because of that simple fact.  It is about understanding that our opinions are being built and growing with debate, discussion and listening in general. On the contrary, it will fall into violent biases. 

Being willing to make our opinions known as well as listening to other positions even outside our sphere of comfort, is the main way to contribute to these new forms of coexistence. This is particularly important because it is from there that interest will be sought. for information on public policy issues for people with disabilities, and a genuinely respectful treatment towards them.  For example, helping or giving them directions  when we meet a person with a certain disability on the street or in any other space may be little, but important, acts. 

For example, public policies in Bogota for people with disabilities exist, however they are not fulfilled, a situation that should be immersed in the general public debate in the country. In other words, it should be part of the concerns and demands not only of the directly affected sector but the entire city in general.

A very common mistake is to relapse into preaching or presenting a speech so as not to feel guilty and in practice do the opposite.  Our opinions must be supported by our actions, which are being sought to be increasingly respectful and empathetic.  Worrying about which is the situation of certain people before giving an opinion is another way to contribute.

To return to the new way of coexisting and living previously exposed, supporting projects of people with disabilities, such as the Paralympic games, Paralympic sport pages, content on social networks about what it is like to live with a disability, taking them into account without any Prejudice for our projects, seeking their recognition in a certain situation or social spaces mark the?  and are actions that allow a direct different contribution.

To conclude, my position assumes that it is essential at first to support, seek and create ways for the idea of understanding ourselves as a community to arise from our different positions or privileges in order to seek fair, friendly and peaceful societies. This would be followed by a second moment where  we become agents of change from small actions through greater sensitization for the recognition of all as people.

The above given through the search for spaces of social immersion, an argued debate, a class consciousness, the willingness to listen, the search for the mechanisms of action that are established in the institutions, either for reporting cases of abuse as a good to develop a direct impact that responds to the needs of people with disabilities.

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